Are you considering a virtual or hybrid element to your conference?
If so, Abbey can help!
Virtual Conference
The global pandemic presented an opportunity for virtual & hybrid conferences to have their time to shine and we in Abbey are at the forefront of this ‘new normal’ in the meetings industry. When conferences were simply unable to physically take place, associations and meeting planners turned to the virtual option to deliver for their audience.
Virtual events are great ways to host large-scale events digitally. Virtual events can be hosted simply through streaming services using a smartphone, or with more complex setups. Literally anyone can join the event, no matter where they live in the world. Whether you are organizing a virtual event for social distancing purposes or for convenience purposes, virtual events have great potential when done right.
Our platform enables you to present a professional virtual & hybrid conference and not just another zoom meeting! We can re-imagine your conference whilst still providing the same options that an onsite conference would offer!