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Bid Management
Our team have a strong track record when it comes to conference bids. As a wider organisation, selling Ireland and the UK is what we do on a daily basis and we believe that nobody does it better! Our bid support is entirely complimentary and we support our clients throughout all aspects of the bidding process from initial feasibility studies, site inspections and travelling to the presentation of the bid.
If you are thinking of bidding for your associations conference, then let our team help turn your vision into reality!
Venue Sourcing
Consider Suitability
Create Shortlist
Obtain Quotes
Site Inspections
Budget Preparation
Identify Income Sources
Identify Expenditure
Establish Break Even
Best Case vs. Worst Case
Include Contingency
Supplier Negotiation
Venue Hire
Social Programme
Flexible Terms
Funding Applications
Bid & Site Inspection Funding
Conference Funding
Identify Alternative Sources
Assist with Applications
Graphic Design
Bid Document
Logo Design
Bid Images Creation
Bid Video Preparation
Presentation Slide
Bid Preparation
Letters of Support
Draft Budget
Profile Photos
Venue Information
City Information
Overseas Representation
HQ Meetings
Bid Presentation
Site Inspections
Feasibility Study
Source bid Support
Identify Key Criteria
Consider Risks

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